Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day Four - Wednesday before

Woke up in a horrible mood with a heart full of splinters.

Snapped at the kids. Annoyed by the kitchen and its horrible smelling trash can and pile of unwashed dishes. Grumbled through the morning drive. Sat down at my desk ready to hate every minute of the day, but was interrupted in my seething by a call from one of my favorite people in Birmingham. How cool.

I'm back on track now. Sorry kids. Sorry kitchen.

Where was I?

Recon. Phone calls. Mail. HISHE CD (decided to ditch the TAL CD). All that jazz.

Got home and, as it turns out, my bad mood seems to've rubbed off on everyone else. The night is full of crying and shouting and a few spankings here and there. I didn't get anything done. no one did. It was enough to just survive the night.

Everyone else went to bed at 7PM. I stayed up and watched Dead Letter Office... which is not, in fact, a mystery at all even though the title and DVD's cover would lead you to believe otherwise. It's actually a very sweet slice of life from Australia with dancing, flirting and rich / lovable characters that take their role in the dead letter office to heart. I liked it very much. As you probably remember from Lord of the Rings' Two Towers and Return of the King, Miranda Otto is very likable.

The List

  • Fix Roof
  • Finish attic
  • light Bulbs
  • Line son's Floor
  • Fix door frame
  • Return pool
  • Install TV
  • Shop TV adaptors
  • Caulk Tub
  • Fix toilet
  • Mop under the house
  • Paint son's room

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